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Rebranding Uber

Project – Take a brand you dislike and rebrand it using your strengths (Strategy)

I chose Uber as a brand to re-strategize, because of their many problems that have come to light since their launching, but I also saw the opportunity to pivot their poor communications and perception to better appeal to others and match their strong market share.

Transforming a Tech Company into a Consumer Brand


Uber has gone through much criticism for their actions and false promises realized by both consumers and employees. They even weathered a #DeleteUber movement. From the outside looking in, their actions seem to be guided by the hope of winning Silicon Valley and Wall Street.


Uber’s main problem derives from their plenty of past mistakes of mistreatment and skeptical business practices. Overall, it’s embracement of their technology over their consumers is apparent. The way Uber brands themselves as a tech-first company, their biggest challenge seems to be caring for their brand co-creators.


The best marketing strategy in our era is to care. Uber needs to switch their focus from tech to consumers. By giving brand power to consumers, they will be connected to the brand and feel as part of the brand rather than just a user.


The direction with the messaging and taglines was to pivot Uber’s communications from self- and tech-focused and bring in the consumers as part of the brand. Empowering consumers with brand power. In theory, the world doesnt run without Uber, and Uber doesnt run without their co-creators.


As it can seen in this example, Uber prides themselves on saving the world on their own. We we we.

Moving with the strategy to give consumers brand power and let them in, it’s not about the company itself but the communities it brings together.




Social Media

Transforming a Tech Company into a Consumer Brand

With Uber already owning 70% market share in ride-sharing services, winning over consumers will be the final step to a lasting positive legacy.

*Disclaimer* Without taking actions of genuine care for consumers and employees, a brand message of care is only a facade.